Our Approach to Kids Meals

We see you.
You try hard to introduce your kids to a wide range of vegetables and healthy food at home. You pack nutritious lunches and seek out great organic snacks for your kiddos. But sometimes you need a break so you go out with the family and here comes the typical mac and cheese – chicken nugget – hot dog – fries – with a pack of oreos (you get the picture) kids menu. Sorry kids – you are an afterthought to the adult menu.
We’ve been there. We have definitely done that with our own kids and grandkids. That’s why at GOOD we have put a lot of thought and effort to feeding the littlest of our guests. Here are some of the highlights of how we feed kids at GOOD.

At GOOD they have a lot of choices – like A LOT. We have these cool, stainless steel trays with compartments. Your child will be given a kid’s menu where they can select what goes in each compartment – think bento box style – healthy proteins, raw veggies with dip, cooked veggies, fruit and a healthy treat. So if your child eats this way at home well they’ll be right at home at GOOD.
They eat free too – every time they walk through our doors. Who qualifies as a “Courageous Kid”? A child who is currently undergoing treatment for cancer or recently finished treatment. Years ago our courageous nephew Ryan went through five years of treatment for nueroblastoma and he was an inspiration to everyone who met him. Our Courageous Kids Program is in honor of Ryan. We know how hard it is for parents with children with cancer to find nutrient-dense places for their kids to eat so we want to be that safe place but also that fun place where both parents and kids can get a break from the trenches of fighting cancer on a daily basis. To refer a child or find out more – email us at We also work with Courageous Caregivers by helping them understand how to make nutrient-dense meals for their Courageous Kid. If the family is interested, we will provide them with a juicer and show them how to make immune-boosting juices and tonics.